Lime Stripes | Tuke's Quest

Lime Stripes

Hey Guys!

I know I haven't put an outfit post up here in a while, one of my closest friends said she only checks my blog when she sees an outfit post on Instagram. As I was typing this up, another friend called to ask about restaurants in Lagos as he is helping a friend organise a party. It's funny how different people check my blog for different things. There's a poll on the side bar for you to choose what kind of posts you like.

I wore this dress to church on Sunday as my church celebrated it's 20th year anniversary and my dad said I should wear a touch of green. At the beginning of October I was trying to wear a little green everyday in the spirit of Patriotic citizen, Nigeria's Independent month,etc but I stopped at a point, oh well.

This dress is one of those pieces in my wardrobe that I bought solely because it bears the colours of the Nigerian flag. I got it from Forever 21 and I also have it in Peach (XS, same size as the lime one). I haven't worn that yet (Well, my sister bought it but it's too big for her so it's just sitting there in the cupboard gathering dust, if you want it, leave a comment saying so and where you would wear it to then I'll pick a winner, leave your email address too please)

Oh yeah, picture overload alert!!

This is my friend Seyi, he's an IJGB and he's about to do NYSC. Haven't seen him since my Notthingam days, it was really nice bumping into him

Not really sure what was going on here, it kinda looks like I'm skating.
Laolu, the suave guy with Blossom and Shalewa. We took so many pictures, I could write a story with them.
How cute is this picture! Salewa took some of the pictures.
Don't we look like a cute vintage couple?
His name is Laolu, he bought this pinstriped suit because of my workflow blogpost :) 
He can saaaang and he's single too! ;)

I kinda like what the wind did to my hair!
Anyone else getting that Matrix reloaded vibe from this picture

Photo Credit: Tobi, Olaolu and Salewa (Yes o, only me. 3 photographers)
Dress; Forever 21
Hair Bow: Peacocks
Necklace: New Look
Bag: Christmas Present from my Darling God Mother
Heels: Peacocks
Glasses: Laolu's own



  1. I want the peach dress!

  2. han han killed it!! i love the dress....i love everything
    Es x x


  4. u look chic in the dress.i want the peach dress,i would wear it church like u did cos i dont really get out

  5. Yes, i concur laolu can sing!!!! Awesome voice😍

    I want the dress pretty please 😬

  6. Love the dress, looking really pretty.
    In peach, that would be really nice.... doubt it would fit me though.

  7. Stunning dress, I love the patriotic colours and your clutch. I honestly prefer outfit post.

    Princess Audu

    1. Awww, Thank you Sarah!!
      Yeah, the outfit posts tend to be the more popular ones

  8. u take lovely pictures tho!! love everything! Gorgeous head to toe! :)

  9. I was also waiting for you to post this after i checked your IG on friday,i usually rush down to see where you got each outfit you post.i want the dress and will wear it on my bday on sunday


    1. Awww, eyah, Birthday Girl, you got mail!!

    2. Yaaaaaay me! Sending you a mail right away. My first and early Bday gift this year .Thank you so very plenty much Take.

  10. OMG!!! I never miss an opportunity for freebies. hahaha. Yes I want the Dress. I am a perfect XS, have been for as long as i can remember. PiCk ME!!! . Again, you totally rocked that dress.

  11. You look great! And your smile?? No comment!

  12. Good styling there, Tukes. Now if you can just get your Godmother to reveal where we can get the purse. It's very pretty.

    1. Thank you Bluebell, i'll find out and let you know!

  13. The clutch is soo cool and unique!
    Love it


  14. Your smile is just too nice. Pretty dress and clutch by the way.
