Friday, Funday | Tuke's Quest

Friday, Funday

So I haven’t really shown/told anyone about this blog and a friend of mine says it’s because I’m ashamed that it looks like a graveyard. I’m making it come alive the same way my weekend was live sha.

My school closed on Friday so my 3 week holiday has begun, whoohooo. I had been looking forward to Lala Akindoju’s Open mic theatre for a really long time, since I was in uni to be honest. It was the first one of the year and I was motivated despite whatever hindrances to be there. I went on my own as the people I was supposed to go with couldn’t make it.

I drove and for those who don’t know this, Lagos roads are rough. I got pulled over because I crossed a line at the Adeola Odeku Junction. In my defense, the traffic light wasn’t working and there was no policeman at the junction. So I followed the car in front of me but I was too slow. The police man came first and then the LASTMA official, they asked for my driver’s license and then told me to pull over.  

Lesson Learnt-Never give a police man your original driver’s license, just give them a photocopy and then drive off, hehe

Anyways, the LASTMA lady sat down in the front seat, the policeman tried to enter but I sparked. When she asked me anything for weekend, Detuke the actress came into action. I played the victim card, corper card, crying lady card and then I was finally let free. Pretty dramatic start to my weekend, right. 

Luckily, I bumped into a family friend so I had company for the show. He’s a pretty talented guy, photographer, on-air personality on Smooth fm and he performed twice, a spoken word piece he wrote and then a monologue.
I really enjoyed it, the atmosphere was spot on and the crowd was pretty engaging. I spotted Ebuka of Ebony Life tv’s ‘The Spot’ in the crowd. Najite Dede, another ELTV regular, did a pretty funny skit, her sister was in the audience and I found that really cute, showing support. She illustrated how Nigerians can have a whole conversation by just making sounds, her facial expressions were so accurate and convincing.

I didn’t take any pictures but the official pictures will be out someday. I spotted Jide Odukoya taking pictures, I absolutely love the quality of his pictures, I think that’s how I found out at open mic theatre in the first place. I wanted to do something because of the fact that it was such an amazing platform but I didn’t because I hadn’t rehearsed anything. Next time, which is in June, theme-improvisation, I will get on that stage.


  1. I better see you on that stage girl! ;)

    1. Imma be there girrrrl, hehe, started practicing already, hehe

  2. I'm such a couch/bed potato..Constantly missing out on fun stuff like this
    Ugghh tell me about it. them Lastma guys are the worst really!
    I am no actress so I always have to end up parting with money -__-

    1. Awww, better get off your couch/bed, time for that one dey and time for fun dey too! I'll start putting up more posts on upcoming events, haven't done so in a while.
      Hmmm, they really are the worst, when you know what you can do with that money, the tears will come, just think of what you can use that money to buy, hehe
