Hi Guys!
So, this not knowing what career path I want to follow has
really been causing me to worry. I stayed in on Friday night doing research and freaking out a little, to be honest. That’s why I haven’t posted in a while. Some
people might say one week isn’t a while but when you have 16 posts in your
draft folder, waiting to be edited and shared to the world, one week is
definitely a while.
I’m supposed to be updating my CV and deciding where I want
to apply. I spoke in an
earlier post about the reasons why I didn’t want NYSC
to end, well, there’s 2 months to go and I still don’t know what’s next.
Diarris God sha! My friend and blogger,
Feyi Adesanya, said worry is a wasted
emotion and that I should trust that God will direct my path and present me
with a perfect opportunity so I will know without a doubt that this is the next
step I should take. Not just having faith in a passive way though, in an active
way, because Faith without works is dead. Enough of the gloomy talk, on to
better things.
Happy Monday People!
Hope you had a great weekend!
I had a pretty interesting one, I started make up classes
last week, that’s why I woke up with so much enthusiasm in my
last post. It’s a
2 week course at
Doranne Beauty in Opebi, I will put pictures up when I’m done
with the course so you can see the progress I’ve made.
I went for a Natural Hair event on Saturday, it was organized
by Naija Naturals and it was such a classy event. Attendees had to register
before hand as there was limited space for 30 people, we were all given goody
bags, courtesy Loreal and Oma26, check out her blog,
There was small chops and chapman which made me really happy
as those are two of my favourite things, you would know if you’ve read
this post. The powerpoint presentation was also printed out for us so we could make
notes as the day went along, very helpful. As it was a small gathering, people
really got to meet, greet and interact with each other which I loved. I finally
met some of my blog friends,
Mide Coker and
Leez nijis. Plus, some of the
attendees knew who I was from my instagram afro pictures, this got me really
I didn’t have my camera with me as it was being used at my
beauty school, however,
Mide took some amazing pictures and put them up that
day, please she should get an award for the world’s fastest upload (I haven’t
even put up pictures from my cousin’s wedding which happened 3 weeks ago).
Photo Credit: Mide Coker |