I know I haven't put an outfit post up here in a while, one of my closest friends said she only checks my blog when she sees an outfit post on Instagram. As I was typing this up, another friend called to ask about restaurants in Lagos as he is helping a friend organise a party. It's funny how different people check my blog for different things. There's a poll on the side bar for you to choose what kind of posts you like.
I wore this dress to church on Sunday as my church celebrated it's 20th year anniversary and my dad said I should wear a touch of green. At the beginning of October I was trying to wear a little green everyday in the spirit of Patriotic citizen, Nigeria's Independent month,etc but I stopped at a point, oh well.
This dress is one of those pieces in my wardrobe that I bought solely because it bears the colours of the Nigerian flag. I got it from Forever 21 and I also have it in Peach (XS, same size as the lime one). I haven't worn that yet (Well, my sister bought it but it's too big for her so it's just sitting there in the cupboard gathering dust, if you want it, leave a comment saying so and where you would wear it to then I'll pick a winner, leave your email address too please)
Oh yeah, picture overload alert!!