The Next Chapter | Tuke's Quest

The Next Chapter

Hey Guys

So I take blogging pretty seriously, I enjoy doing it and I see the potential for growth in the long run. I like to have 3/4 posts a week and even numbers at the end of the month. Last week I tried something, posting every weekday but friday. I wanted to do the same this week but life has been real and I don't like the fact that I haven't posted all week, I apologise for slacking

Remember that interview I went for, I got the job and I Thank God for that. I started the day after I was done with NYSC so let's say I was immersed into the real world pretty quickly.
Coming from an 8 to 3 to an 8 to 6 might not seem like much but it is taking a little toll on me to be honest. Plus I really miss my CD day which was a day for re-energising.

The transition isn't easy, I cried a lost last week, felt like I wasn't good enough for the task but I feel better now. Haven't cried at all this week which is a good thing. My colleagues are great people so that's a plus.

I didn't get enough rest over the weekend to be honest but I'm learning lessons on this journey of self discovery.
The Weekend is valuable o and prioritising is key, you can't honour every engagement you are invited to.

I'm back now sha, doubt I'll be going for the Lagos Design & Fashion Week though. My hair is still pretty straight (refer to this Hair Experiment post) but the roots are natural so it's like I'm transitioning and I'm not a fan of two textures.

I didn't have to write this post but I just felt the need to explain before I dive into the next set of posts.

I'm not one to blog at work and I feel bad going on social media too which is why I've been pretty quiet. Anyhoo, get ready for a barrage of posts. I got some really good news yesterday by the way, I'll be involved in some really exciting life changing projects in December so stay tuned. Even though I had given up on some of the goals from my Goal Audit post, God has somewhat opened doors which have made them feasible :)

How did you find the transition from corper to worker?


  1. Congrats on bagging a job so soon after NYSC! I'm yet to experience the transition but hopefully I will pretty soon

  2. Well done on securing that new job :) All the best!

  3. Congratulations Tuke. I am glad you see yourself favoured, many desire what you have. That being said, do not be hard on yourself, (even parents feel overwhelmed sometimes, they just try not to show it. I suggest you make a schedule for yourself and try to keep to it as much as possible. This is where priorities come in. This will help you plan time for you time, God time, family, relax, social outings, church commitments & whatever it is that you do. So you do not lose out on what is happening around you. You will definitely adjust, just be open minded and see it as an avenue to discover new things about yourself. God will help you to grow in ways beyond your expectation. Btw, i am a silent reader on blogs..just decided to encourage after your complaint I your previous post. I hope this helps. God bless

    1. Yes, I realize now the importance of scheduling and encouragement. Thank you very much for the words of encouragement, I appreciate it :D

  4. Congrats on your job... that was really fast. We thank God

    1. Thanks Sogie, yes it was pretty fast, Thank God!

  5. Congratulations dear!!! I know what a new phase can feel like, and how it can have an emotional toll on you. 8 to 6 is deep mehn. But try to learn to manage your time efficiently, and you'll do well. It's okay to cry and alleviate the stresses of life, but always remember to pick yourself up, get it together and keep it moving. Best wishes with your new job and more success to your blogging!

    1. Awww, Thank you Berry!! Thanks for the advice and encouragement :)

  6. Congrat babes! May you always be favoured.

  7. You go Girl! Congratulations. With that pin stripe and the beauty within you, it would have been a crime if they lost you. :) . On the new phase, let the tears flow, not always though, as it can be quite liberating. Also, pray, and find a person or two whom you could learn a lot faster and who do not mind sharing words of wisdom, it will help alot with getting settled in. God's Grace is multiplied to you. XO

    1. Thank you Hephzibah :)
      Hehehe, you speak such sweet words :D

  8. Well, congratulations!!! Now this explains your disappearing act!

    Read through your blog, have enjoyed it! Nicely done, keep it up! - L

  9. Great blog. Good writing. New fan

  10. Congratulations.....
    if you were picked so soon, it means they really need what you have to offer and I sure you can do it.
    you are highly favored dear..

    1. LOL, Thank you Yeva, I've missed your comments o :)
